Voluntary Organizations
If you provide a regulatory funtion within Animal Health and Welfare, you need to be confident that your operations are effective, efficient and compliant with EU Regulation and national legislation.
- FFC will audit levels of compliance and your means of obtaining compliance with statutory, and voluntary regulation
- FFC will provide you with an effective strat-egy to achieve maximum compliance at least cost
- FFC will deliver or procure accredited train-ing to enable your staff to manage and deliv-er your compliance strategy
- FFC will provide up-to-date advice and guidance on relevant changes in legislation
- FFC will conduct or assist in investigations leading to prosecution or other sanction
- FFC will provide expert advice and assis-tance to you and your legal team when you are involved in legal action
A partnership of experienced professionals in the field of in Animal Health & Welfare and Food Safety Regulatory Compliance.
FFC will help you to achieve maximum compliance at least cost!